Powers of Taiko Data

The links below are questions asked in the survey. The answers are shown when you click the link.

Timestamp of submission.

If you would like, please share your location.

How old are you?

How many years have you played taiko?

Are you a casual taiko student, a performing or professional player, or how would you describe yourself? (For example, casual, but you wish you could do more, casual but I do enough, professional, performing in community group, instructor full or part-time, group leader or member, etc.)

Why did you start playing taiko?

What was it that appealed to you about taiko?

On a scale from 1-10 how much has taiko changed or affected your life as a whole?

Have you taken part in, taught, or performed for a class or audience with special needs or for a special age group or in a location with a certain population? Please explain.

If yes, 1) How long did you do this? 2) Did you pay or were you paid to do this? 2) If you stopped, what was the reason? 3) Would you like to do this again?

If you were in or gave such a class or performance, please describe more about what you did or experienced?

Was there something you noticed about how taiko affected either this whole group or certain individuals?

Has taiko affected your life other than the activity itself, e.g., your social life, work life, emotional or spiritual life, or another part of your life, perhaps your health? Please explain.

As a taiko player, have you seen someone else have an intense emotional, physical, or other response while playing or watching taiko? Please elaborate.

Is there something about taiko that is different from other activities that you think makes it have extra potential to bring about internal or external changes in people or society?

Do you feel the taiko community or communities is/are different from other communities you have been involved in? How so?

Are there certain societal or cultural structures in the taiko communities you have experienced that hampered or hurt your experience as a taiko player?

Do you feel represented, supported, and comfortable in the taiko community? Or have you experienced discrimination, bullying, or another form of barrier (whether economic, societal, cultural, gender-based, etc.)? 

Does one age group stand out to you as being the most likely to benefit from playing taiko? Why or why not?

Regardless of age, does one group of people stand out to you as being likely to benefit from playing taiko? Please explain.

Thank you and last comments.

One person’s story sent to me.

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